0.32.0 Release Notes

0.32.0 Release Notes

Release Notes
  • New large forest area has sprouted near the portals to different islands
    • Includes extra farm plot and two fishing ponds (common and rare)
    • Harvestable trees for the new Woodcutting skill
  • New skills - Woodcutting and Firemaking
  • Classic Dungeon has been reworked
    • Split into three chapters, requiring an unlock
    • First-time unlock grants a Zee egg and a key to unlock the next dungeon
    • New chapter portals are hidden in the deeper parts of the forest area
  • All skills moved to off-chain
    • Consumables now drop as off-chain items
    • To use consumable items during skills, battles, or direct consumption, they must be deposited off-chain
  • Added two new tabs to the Reward Centre
    • Mint consumables to exchange them on marketplaces
    • Deposit consumables to use them in-game
    • Each on-chain action now costs gas fees
  • New Epic set bonuses:
    • Requires two items from the set for the bonus to be active
    • Bird Person Set - if team doesn't have two Zees of the same type, all Zee gain +10% DMG
    • Mainframe set - after reaching maximum stacks at the start of every round shoot out AoE lightning wave dealing damage
    • Simulacrum Umbra set - for every missing 20% HP,  Zee gains 5% Bloodthirst (up to 25%)
    • Foxblossom set - if your zee dodges enemy attack, there is a 20% chance that one of its active cooldowns is reduced by 1 turn
  • New Soulkeeper set bonus:
    • Requires three items from the set
    • If a Zee is about to die from damage, it gains a shield that prevents all damage and debuffs but is stunned for 1 turn. 
    • When the stun ends, immunity shield is removed and Zee healed for 50% of max HP and all ability cooldowns are reset. (Limited to one use per fight)
  • Wicker Man event is coming to an end - make sure to stop by the bonfire!


Improvements & bug fixes:
  • Inventory categories can now be collapsed for a smoother user experience
  • Items that haven’t met the correct use conditions are now greyed out. (E.g. on-chain bait that needs to be deposited into the game to be used)
  • Zee stat values now include shaman equipment bonuses in lobby as well (not only in battle)
  • Improvements to OKX marketplace
  • Improved Zee scaling in Stronghold of Umbra
  • Improved Treasure authorization and on-chain action flow
  • Treasure authorization will now expire after 30 days (instead of 3 days) on Epic, Android, and iOS versions. This change doesn't affect the WebGL version where authorization expires after 1 day
  • Heist defender bonus increased to 20% (was 10%)
  • Reduced the amount that can be stolen from other players’ treasure pots in Heist to 20% (down from 40%).
  • Reduced the size of Genesis Zees in the Heist view for better visual clarity
  • Llamas can now use all abilities of the copied Zee
  • Fixed missing visual effects for Shukti & Matoka abilities in Heist
  • Fixed an issue where Grass Boss was not receiving immunity after a stun
  • Fixed dynamic camera bouncing issues
  • Fixed mountain fishing pond hitbox
  • Fixed inventory desync that could occur after moving multiple items at once